29 April 2006


So, when it comes down to it, I find that I still have yet to find my purpose. Try to understand, that when I can, I will.

The Look Machine.

22 April 2006


So rain is an interesting thing.
And this line is for taking up space, making it look like I said something interesting.
Ah, my church is cool. We do stuff for youth groups and stuff, and we have lots of other community ministries.


20 April 2006


Blogging officially doesn't take up all of my time anymore. I now work two jobs, which is totally fun.... yeah right, but I do have cash here and there, now that that's been going on.
What a boring guy I am.

Griffin Technology

17 April 2006


Really, it makes no sense for anyone to write things in a journal that people can read.

It took me a while to figure out what my signature should be. I didn't know what it meant at first, then, once I did know, I had to decide, which is no short process on my part. Anyway, I should come up with a topic to write about routinely.

White Stripes being Sued.

16 April 2006


It seems as though I'm stuck using my imagination to provide myself with entertainment. Well, movies can do it, too, and music, like with most people, but I feel like I'm always stuck doing something worthless because I make no effort to do anything radically different.

A short tour of Regent University.


Just to let you know, I kind of give my work random titles. More specifically, ones that don't have to do with the content at all.

This site is kinda nice. I can just talk on here, and I know two, maybe three people tops, who even bother having a sub-domain of blogspot. I like this much more than Xanga, though. They let so much stupid stuff go out, it isn't even funny. Don't get me wrong, I'm still going to use my Xanga to communicate with a handful of my friends, but that's about the extent of it.

Police: Suspect planned to eat Okla. girl

15 April 2006

Easter Weekend

I swear, I can't be on here ad nauseum. My parents would be disturbed by that for sure, and since I live in their house, I don't want to alienate them.
So, that said, I'll have you know that I'm trying to make this site as unique as possible, without making it look... busy, you know?


I have been blasted for using Xanga as my only blog, so I hope to improve my internet status. Yet I hope to also remain anonymous, save to the people I know in real life. (You'll know it's me, guys.)

Anyway, since I don't go through the trouble of reading other blogs by real people out there, I wonder aimlessly to myself: why am I addicted to blogging? No matter what the answer is, I shall simply do my best to try to tell you what happens to me, without having you track me down and make my family's computer crash.