Per the advice of an old old friend, I chat about my life from here on out.
Life is hectic for losers like me. This is my last year of high school, and I've already attended two different community colleges, the cause of which being a move from one state to another. Granted, it wasn't like moving from California to Michigan, but it still ends up making a difference.
And in spite of this, I'm a very lazy person. Case in point, here I am blogging about my homework instead of actually doing my homework. English never really bothers me as far as difficulty, but for a research paper, they're very very strict about what they want, what you can write about, things like that. I was never good at Math. Then I've got this business class that I don't know what to think about. It's like a "grammar, ethics, courtesy, and logic in the business environment" class, or something like that.
But there's really nothing else bearing down on me as of right now. I'm virtually broke, if that counts for anything anymore. I say virtually because while I have some money to my name, I have a habit of not using it wisely. Another problem soon to be remedied.