07 September 2010
29 May 2010
So, for the past four or five weeks, i've been working, and a lot. I was working during the school year, but this past semester, that only ever added up to 5 hours a week at some times; this month, i had two consecutive 35-hour weeks. Obviously this is entirely normal, but by contrast, it's clearly far above what i've been used to.
I really enjoyed getting a paycheck that completely covered my rent, though. And still, just because i got paid a lot, once, i need to get myself out of the frame of mind of "oh i can afford all this." because i DO have financial responsibilites that i can't neglect. siigh.
anyway, that's really the sum total of what's been going on in my life; i'm trying to save money for a various number of things, etc.
oh. but i will be doing some work on my car this Memorial Day. and I plan on taking plenty of before and after pictures of the work. I'll probably put them here and on facebook.
that is, if I'm successful.... hah.
The words of Andrew Tenga on Saturday, May 29, 2010 0 extra thoughts
20 February 2010
yeah, i'm sitting here in front of our dvds of the American version of The Office
I've had a sore throat for about... two days now. well, by the end of today, it'll be two. haha. either way, it's good perspective for me. That is, to be on the other side of the "i'm coming down with something" conversation.
maybe it just feels like it's been a while.
I'm thinking of joining the church where i've been going while at school. I really like everyone, and even if i don't stay in the area after I'm done my degree, it will have probably been a good way for me to serve God in everything I do around here.
The words of Andrew Tenga on Saturday, February 20, 2010 0 extra thoughts
02 February 2010
sakes alive
well, i missed january.
but it doesn't look like anyone's gonna hemhorrage over THAT.
anyway, i'm looking forward to what God's surely doing in my life.
just so you know.
The words of Andrew Tenga on Tuesday, February 02, 2010 0 extra thoughts