So, for the past four or five weeks, i've been working, and a lot. I was working during the school year, but this past semester, that only ever added up to 5 hours a week at some times; this month, i had two consecutive 35-hour weeks. Obviously this is entirely normal, but by contrast, it's clearly far above what i've been used to.
I really enjoyed getting a paycheck that completely covered my rent, though. And still, just because i got paid a lot, once, i need to get myself out of the frame of mind of "oh i can afford all this." because i DO have financial responsibilites that i can't neglect. siigh.
anyway, that's really the sum total of what's been going on in my life; i'm trying to save money for a various number of things, etc.
oh. but i will be doing some work on my car this Memorial Day. and I plan on taking plenty of before and after pictures of the work. I'll probably put them here and on facebook.
that is, if I'm successful.... hah.