12 August 2009

yawn yawn

i actually like my 8am to 2pm shift, despite how my lack of car complicates my family's life.
although, i guess the fact that i'm making money is a justifaction for all of that.
actually, that's just about the only justifaction they would accept, i'm sure.

and i think that i want less of my life to be centered on money.
or maybe not so much "centered on" as "concerned with" or "worried about"
because, you know, there's college, and given the way things are, that's not free (which i guess is partially my own fault, too) and then rent, food, and then pretty much just luxuries. or, that's my current personal budget. i'm sure that once i get my next car, i'll cut back significantly on the rest of my luxuries.

then again, i may not have a clue as to what my money does for me. i clearly have no control over much of it.

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