20 June 2009


okay, so, this is one of the best weekends i've had in some time.
which really makes me wonder, am i being selfish when i say that? maybe slightly, but overall, given the amount of stress and just general calamity that have gone into my last few weekends, this one, so far, is being pretty tight.

of course, how it works, now that i've said that, it's going to go down paths that i don't like in the next few hours.

this weekend is miserable! i hate it!
(just to be safe)

the biggest thing is i haven't been to work yet. i OUGHT to be irritated about this, but even going TO work is such a hassle that it's really nice to not have to do it at all. I do kinda need a little more money though, if i'm supposed to, you know, eat.

i'm about to be productive and do some writing/research for my classes (both of which end on thursday. huzzah)

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