11 June 2009


i cannot get my mp3 playing device to connect to amarok.
and this does not sit well with me. it kinda actually undermines everything i've ever thought of amarok...
okay, no it doesn't.
but still, it's the best program i can use, and what's it doing for me? nothing...
that's not true either really, i like how it populates my last.fm profile so nicely and without trouble.

i'm sure this all has something to do with the fact that i'm using an older version of the software that's not even supposed to be used on this kernel of ubuntu. i might be wrong, but i think amarok 2 handled my device the right way.
if i only i could have the two versions coexist. wow, that'd be so great. alas.

flossing is a ridiculously great thing to do.

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