27 April 2009


ah nuts, i'd been forgetting to write here.


i've probably walked a little more than mile today. and after i'm done stuff here at my place, i'm probably going to make the same walk again. ahhhhh. GREAT day for such a walk, yes? yes.

so, what else ... i'm finished with my classes. and by classes, i mean the time spent in a classroom receiving instruction. i now have four finals; one per day for the rest of the week. thereby giving me time to study and just generally DO stuff. like apply for work.

i'm SO ... ambivalent. ;)

PS what better time to have leftover ham than Swine Flu season?

16 April 2009


so, i'm sitting here, as usual, in my school's radio station.
we've got an annual battle of the bands tonight and i'm doing the last of tomorrow's homework now, so that i can stay up on the late side without worrying about repercussions that are too harsh.

standing in direct opposition to what i thought/wrote earlier today, i probably won't be able to squeeze a nap in. and i won't be getting much sleep tonight. ggggrrrrrrrrrrrrrr...

but life is still great. or at least marginally great.
and it'll only get better, i think.

10 April 2009


so, i'm glad, my mp3 player hasn't been acting up recently.
and, for some reason, my eyes have gotten less accustomed to having contacts in them. GRR. not good.
it's been almost a day since i've showered.
this post is stupid.
i wish i had a decent, sensible, but brief story to tell, but i don't. they're all long, or dumb, or aggravating, or something negative.
oh well

04 April 2009



The Curious Case of Benjamin Button was, as a film, great.
but i had some personal things that made parts of it a little ... i dunno. sour.

on the other hand, don't most sour things eventually turn sweet?
yes... ;)

(of course, normally, they then dissolve, so it's not a perfect analogy, but if you stop at the second step, it's unbelievably amazing to see from that perspective)