27 October 2009


i've been sick with this stupid cold for about a week; this is getting to be really strange, because i'm never this sick for this long. i'm seldom sick for long, and until this year, i never even really got sick that often. i need to do something to improve my immune system when i finally get fully well again, I suppose. I'd much much much rather be healthy.

i only have to do a little more writing tonight before i go to bed yay

21 October 2009

oh hey

wow. this blag is so neglercted.
between xkcd and Homestar, I think i have adequate reason to mispronunce things.
but probably only when i type. in real life, it's kinda weird. it could be funny, i guess.

anyway, I'm waiting to see if my brother needs me to get him from the Pennsylvania Rennaissance Faire. i'm kinda sad that i didn't make it over there for the whole day; it's unbelievably gorgeous outside. but, oh well. going for a long drive and getting some fresh aire might help my throat-cold. which hassled me ALL DAY YESTERDAY AND TODAY. so annoying.

siiigh. but life is so so so great. ;)

03 October 2009

books won't leave me alone.

or, my roommate and his girlfriend and i are watching the Pagemaster.
and i work in two different book-oriented establishements.

but it's okay. i just need some more food. luckily, i have some. not too many sodium-filled or sugary snacks. or any snack-like foods at all, really. but, it's still okay.